

Are You More At Home In The World Or In The Spirit?

Are You More At Home In The World Or In The  Spirit?

The earth and its inhabitants are under Satan’s dominion, the spiritually “born again” “new creations” are under the authority and rulership of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) Spirit and they are “citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You love Him with a pure love that causes you to want to leave everything behind to do His bidding, to seek and to save the lost, to feed His sheep, and to glorify Him in word and deed, according to His uncompromised truth?

Do You Truly Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You Truly Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

“Whoever keeps His word, in him the love of Yahveh has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked”.

Fix Your Eyes On Yahshua (Jesus)

Fix Your Eyes On Yahshua (Jesus)

Satan is out to destroy us when we open the door to sin. We must keep our eyes fixed on Yahshua (Jesus), the safeguard against the deadly serpent bites, against the sinful nature, and the consequence of sin, which is death.

Daily Awakenings -Overview

Daily Awakenings -Overview

These prophetic teachings are filled with the glistening sword of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) love and uncompromised Word. Come and taste and see how good He is as He equips and feeds you from His pure banqueting table!

Make Every Effort To Live Righteously

Make Every Effort To Live Righteously

The redeemed are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. Real faith-filled believers live with this hope, living righteously before the Almighty and leading others to do the same.

The Circumcision Of The Heart

The Circumcision Of The Heart

Yahveh says, “I will take away the lust of the flesh, your desires for the things of the world, all forms of idolatry, so that you can desire Me alone, and you will have a circumcised heart, and be acceptable in My sight.

A Revelation Of December 25th

A Revelation Of December 25th

Although the Bible records the glorious events surrounding the birth of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), there is no biblical record of the exact day, month, or observance of His blessed divine birthday.

The Wise Are Prepared

The Wise Are Prepared

Our coming holy “Bridegroom” is urging us to cultivate a spiritually deep, personal relationship with Him. The righteous are prayerfully and longingly waiting for Him with their spiritual ears riveted to hear His voice.

Waiting For Yahshua (Jesus)

Waiting For Yahshua (Jesus)

If we are eagerly waiting for Yahshua’s appearing it will be like a dynamo of spiritual power that motivates us to run this race as we fight the good fight of faith to endure victoriously to the end.

The Big "I" Must Die

The Big "I" Must Die

The Big “I” has to be put to death and the Great I AM, the God, Ruler, and Creator of the Universe is the only I that is to be exalted. Every other I that exalts itself is an enemy to the cross of Messiah.

The Hour Is Late - Which Path Are You On?

The Hour Is Late - Which Path Are You On?

Yahshua (Jesus) has poured out His atoning blood, to redeem you to be His very own, now and forever! He described two pathways–the broad path leading to eternal death and the narrow path leading to eternal life.

Keep The Faith

Keep The Faith

Only the enemy of our souls tries to influence us to think that we can stay preoccupied with our daily lives and business as usual and wait until the last moments to have a faith to support us with the perseverance needed.

Are You Living For God's Glory?

Are You Living For God's Glory?

We are to be compelled in our words and deeds to glorify the Father, as we humbly seek to save the lost by pouring out our lives so others can know Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) redemptive love and inhabit His eternal Kingdom.

Yahshua (Jesus) The Living Word

Yahshua (Jesus) The Living Word

Just as we, Jew and non-Jew, together make “one new man” so does the Old Covenant and the New together make one Word, Yahshua (Jesus) Himself, the Living Word (Ephesians 2:14-16, John 1:1).

Free Us From Our Carnal Desires

Free Us From Our Carnal Desires

Many are not walking as we should, dining at the banqueting table of the King, because we love the world, we love ourselves, and we cater to our flesh. To be satisfied with the things of this world is a basic form of deception.

There Is A Higher Call

There Is A Higher Call

There is a much higher call for each of us. The purest and most powerful presence of Yahshua (Jesus) is yet to fill and keep us in a place where we are reverent and continually obedient to His mighty plans and purposes.