

Make Every Effort To Live Righteously

Make Every Effort To Live Righteously

The redeemed are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. Real faith-filled believers live with this hope, living righteously before the Almighty and leading others to do the same.

It's Midnight, A New Day is Coming!

It's Midnight, A New Day is Coming!

Undoubtedly we are in “perilous times”, watching the manifestation of biblically prophesied events. Globally, multitudes are in anxiety and high alert for the fear of the unknown and what is coming next.

A Revelation Of December 25th

A Revelation Of December 25th

Although the Bible records the glorious events surrounding the birth of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), there is no biblical record of the exact day, month, or observance of His blessed divine birthday.

Don't Waiver Between Two Opinions

Don't Waiver Between Two Opinions

Do not waiver between two opinions, find out what pleases Yahveh and say, “Yes, I come to do Your will, O my God! Your will is the desire of my heart. I will persevere, I will hold on to my confidence in You and follow You!”

Yahveh Is Coming To Judge The Earth

Yahveh Is Coming To Judge The Earth

Time is rolling up like a scroll and Yahveh’s sovereign proclamation to judge the world in righteousness and truth is an impending reality, as trustworthy as labor pains that come upon a pregnant woman.

Beware Of The Poison Of Anti-Semitism!

Beware Of The Poison Of Anti-Semitism!

Today throughout the world, we see the ancient Serpent rearing his ugly head and spewing out his anti-Semitism. With a heart filled with love for our Jewish brethren we must go in humility before Yahveh our God on Israel’s behalf..

Free Us From Our Carnal Desires

Free Us From Our Carnal Desires

Many are not walking as we should, dining at the banqueting table of the King, because we love the world, we love ourselves, and we cater to our flesh. To be satisfied with the things of this world is a basic form of deception.

There Is A Higher Call

There Is A Higher Call

There is a much higher call for each of us. The purest and most powerful presence of Yahshua (Jesus) is yet to fill and keep us in a place where we are reverent and continually obedient to His mighty plans and purposes.

“I Advise You To Buy From Me Gold Refined By Fire”

“I Advise You To Buy From Me Gold Refined By Fire”

I would like to share with you a dream He gave me that is like a prophetic parable. Yahveh (the LORD) said, “I have also spoken to the prophets, And I gave numerous visions, And through the prophets I gave parables”.

"If We Do Not Obey"

"If We Do Not Obey"

The United States has compromised much of its God fearing History. The consequences have sadly tainted our loving Father’s blessings for us and other nations. Judgment is soon to pour out on all nations that despise His Word.

The Law Of Yahveh God Is Perfect

The Law Of Yahveh God Is Perfect

“Do not think that Messiah came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; He came to fulfill them. Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until everything is accomplished.”

Traveling On The Highway Of Holiness

Traveling On The Highway Of Holiness

There is only a few who have forsaken compromise, hypocrisy, and have turned away from lawlessness to travel on the highway of holiness, for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life,

A Refiner's Fire

A Refiner's Fire

Yahveh will bring a third part of Israel through the fire, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on His name … and in that name they will walk”. They will “Cry out, “Blessed is He (Yahshua) who comes in the name of Yahveh.”

The Nations Went Too Far

The Nations Went Too Far

The Almighty is more than a little angry at the nations who took it upon themselves to come against Israel. Yahveh says, “He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.

"Stand At The Crossroads And Look"

"Stand At The Crossroads And Look"

You are at a crossroad beloved; are you craving what your flesh wants; foolishly ignoring the blood of the Lamb and His mighty outstretched arm that can deliver you from eternal death and the love of the things of this world?

Spurning His Word

Spurning His Word

Many have spurned His Commandments, and whitewashed His Word. “Therefore this iniquity will be to you like a breach about to fall … whose collapse comes suddenly in an instant” all evildoers will be crumbled under it.