These prophetic teachings are filled with the glistening sword of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) love and uncompromised Word. Come and taste and see how good He is as He equips and feeds you from His pure banqueting table!
Yahveh says, “I will take away the lust of the flesh, your desires for the things of the world, all forms of idolatry, so that you can desire Me alone, and you will have a circumcised heart, and be acceptable in My sight.
“Now is the day of salvation.” Hear what the Spirit is saying! Don’t harden your heart. The only sin that will keep you out of His eternal loving presence is the sin of arrogance and pride that says, “I don’t need a Savior.”
The Almighty is crying for His children to come out of the world and be holy to Him. He gave His Son to die on the stake at Calvary. In return, we can no longer be halfhearted lip servers who serve the cravings of this world.
True disciples must “count the cost” to stay on the narrow path. Yahshua (Jesus) continually cautions His disciples to “be on guard,” making it clear that although many would want to, only a remnant would enter Heaven.
My God and Savior, have mercy and cleanse and purify me of all my cravings, every desire of my appetites, whether for things, notoriety, position, comfort, or my own vain glory and selfish ambition.
“Do not think that Messiah came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; He came to fulfill them. Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
Yahveh will bring a third part of Israel through the fire, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on His name … and in that name they will walk”. They will “Cry out, “Blessed is He (Yahshua) who comes in the name of Yahveh.”
“Come, Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon!” We must come out of the deceptions that come from the great prostitute that leads the whole world astray, her deceptions come straight from Satan himself.
Yahshua (Jesus) says, “If you love Me, obey Me. ”Obey Him; is it such a hard concept? What could be so difficult? our God and Savior says “My grace is sufficient to cause My people to fulfill all righteousness.”
The time of ignorance is over when you know the truth, but there are plenty of times we do what is wrong and we justify it. Self-justification is like Satan from the Garden of Eden, repeating, “Did Yahveh really say that?”
YAHshua (Jesus) says His sheep hear His voice and He is leading us into paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. HalleluYAH! He is coming for those who are walking in His ways and are waiting for Him in righteousness.
The wise will view this pandemic and the quarantine as a divinely given opportunity to “seek our Savior with all of their hearts while He may still be found” and to build up an intimate prayerful relationship with Him.
YAHshua (Jesus) prepare us in our hearts for these days that are coming, that we might know Your laws, know Your Commandments, and wholeheartedly obey them as we listen carefully to all that Your word says.
When the LORD came to dwell on Mount Sinai amongst His chosen people He delivered through Moses the Ten Commandments giving His standards for living to His delivered children for then and for now.