Just as we, Jew and non-Jew, together make “one new man” so does the Old Covenant and the New together make one Word, Yahshua (Jesus) Himself, the Living Word (Ephesians 2:14-16, John 1:1).
We did not major in the heart of Yahveh, which are the Commandments. Yahshua has sent us the Spirit of Truth so that by His merciful deposit of grace living in us, we could walk in obedience to His Commandments.
Yahveh’s called-out, chosen, blood-redeemed elect, are going to be in the Messianic kingdom where Yahshua (Jesus) rules and reigns because they held fast to Yahveh their God and are eternally alive today and forever.
The United States has compromised much of its God fearing History. The consequences have sadly tainted our loving Father’s blessings for us and other nations. Judgment is soon to pour out on all nations that despise His Word.
Yahshua (Jesus) did not come to abolish the Commandments but to fulfill them by writing them on the hearts of His born again redeemed children, in whom He lives as King. By His Spirit they will be taught to uphold them.
“Do not think that Messiah came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; He came to fulfill them. Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
There is only a few who have forsaken compromise, hypocrisy, and have turned away from lawlessness to travel on the highway of holiness, for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life,
“Come, Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon!” We must come out of the deceptions that come from the great prostitute that leads the whole world astray, her deceptions come straight from Satan himself.
The Almighty is more than a little angry at the nations who took it upon themselves to come against Israel. Yahveh says, “He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.
Yahveh God is faithful and sovereign. He speaks blessings. He speaks curses. He speaks life and He speaks death. He tells us to choose which we want—and we will receive according to our ways.
The Almighty has set before us a choice, a free-will choice, and you have to choose. Heaven and earth are witnesses. They are going to be watching you to see what you are going to choose daily, hourly, and moment by moment.
It is not too late to turn back, but we have to return to Him with all of our hearts. “Repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of Yahveh.”
Yahveh is a jealous God; we are not to share the affection that is due to Him with anyone or anything else. It is all for Him. “He will strongly support those whose hearts are completely His …” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
YAHshua (Jesus) prepare us in our hearts for these days that are coming, that we might know Your laws, know Your Commandments, and wholeheartedly obey them as we listen carefully to all that Your word says.
When the LORD came to dwell on Mount Sinai amongst His chosen people He delivered through Moses the Ten Commandments giving His standards for living to His delivered children for then and for now.