

Are You More At Home In The World Or In The Spirit?

Are You More At Home In The World Or In The  Spirit?

The earth and its inhabitants are under Satan’s dominion, the spiritually “born again” “new creations” are under the authority and rulership of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) Spirit and they are “citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Strong In The Strength Of His Might

Strong In The Strength Of His Might

“Do not take the hunger and thirst that is given by Yahshua (Jesus) in the depths of your spirit, and fill it with junk food. Inevitably you will end up spiritually weak with brittle bones that can break at the onslaught of an enemy.

Waiting For Yahshua (Jesus)

Waiting For Yahshua (Jesus)

If we are eagerly waiting for Yahshua’s appearing it will be like a dynamo of spiritual power that motivates us to run this race as we fight the good fight of faith to endure victoriously to the end.

The Big "I" Must Die

The Big "I" Must Die

The Big “I” has to be put to death and the Great I AM, the God, Ruler, and Creator of the Universe is the only I that is to be exalted. Every other I that exalts itself is an enemy to the cross of Messiah.

The Hour Is Late - Which Path Are You On?

The Hour Is Late - Which Path Are You On?

Yahshua (Jesus) has poured out His atoning blood, to redeem you to be His very own, now and forever! He described two pathways–the broad path leading to eternal death and the narrow path leading to eternal life.

My Righteous One Will Live By Faith

My Righteous One Will Live By Faith

YAHshua is coming soon, and will not delay. If you don’t stand by faith, you are not going to stand at all. We must thus not shrink back from our faith for if we do the Almighty has no pleasure in us. Stand strong in your faith!

Come Out Of The World

Come Out Of The World

The Almighty is crying for His children to come out of the world and be holy to Him. He gave His Son to die on the stake at Calvary. In return, we can no longer be halfhearted lip servers who serve the cravings of this world.

Faith - The Victory That Has Overcome The World

Faith - The Victory That Has Overcome The World

Friends, I, along with many of you, are experiencing diverse trials and testings. You may feel loneliness, stress, anxiety, hopelessness, or fear. Yet, let us take heart that faith which is refined as gold give us the victory in Yahshua!

Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen

Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen

True disciples must “count the cost” to stay on the narrow path. Yahshua (Jesus) continually cautions His disciples to “be on guard,” making it clear that although many would want to, only a remnant would enter Heaven.

There Is Power In The Blood Of Yahshua (Jesus)

There Is Power In The Blood Of Yahshua (Jesus)

Yahshua (Jesus), You are truth, You are Spirit, and You are life. You are the Word and You will sanctify us. Yahveh, cleanse our hands even now. Let them be holy hands that are lifted high and surrendered to You, the King of kings.

Make Wise Choices

Make Wise Choices

You will have to continually choose as you keep mastering sin that is crouching at your door like a demon wanting to master you. This is the way of YAHveh. This is the way of the elect into eternity.



Messiah laid down His life, to cover our sins with His own poured out blood. He paid the ultimate price to redeem us eternally, by the power of His Spirit we will overcome the flesh, world, and Satan.

"Raise Your Voice Like A Trumpet"

"Raise Your Voice Like A Trumpet"

Are you willing to lift your voice that others will hear and heed what the Spirit of Truth is saying, so that they might be freed from deception and freed from every way that contends against the truth?

God Is Light - In Him There Is No Darkness At All

God Is Light - In Him There Is No Darkness At All

YAHshua says, “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12). If we follow Him we will not walk in the darkness of the enemy’s deceptions and distortions of truth. We will strive with every thing in us to enter His narrow path.