
I Delight To Do Your Will

I Delight to Do Your Will

Psalm 40:8


We are to be making disciples of Yahshua (Jesus), teaching them to obey all that He taught. Our Savior fulfilled the smallest letter or stroke (every jot and tittle) of the law. First John says, “whoever says they abide in Him should walk in the same manner as He walked” (1 John 2:6). We uphold righteousness because His Spirit in us is perfect toward the the things of our Heavenly Father.

His Spirit in us will cause us to strive for perfection in our walk. If you don’t have that motivating you, 1 John goes on to say, you really have to be honest with yourself, you don’t belong to Him because you keep on sinning against Yahveh, choosing the ways of the flesh, choosing the ways of the world, choosing the ways of the religious system, which is part of the world. Come out of the world and be separate and holy to Yahveh.

What the Almighty needs to do in our hearts is impossible for us to do, to convict us of our lack of righteousness, which is sin, by showing us His righteousness. It is not going to be by the letter of the Torah, it is going to be by the Spirit. This is what the whole commotion in “Christianity” has distorted. It is not the flesh trying to observe and fulfill the law, but it is faith in Yahshua (Jesus)—His life in us gives us the power, if we choose to obey.

He gives us the power to overcome the flesh, the pull of the world, and walk the way He did—as He walks through us, upholding His Father’s laws with great delight. “I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart” (Psalm 40:8). He wants obedience, not sacrifice and offerings. He wants obedience to His ways, not man-made rules.