Make Wise Choices
- Deuteronomy 30:19-20-
“…So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving YAHveh your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him, for this is your life…”
“You will have to continually choose as you keep mastering sin that is crouching at your door like a demon wanting to master you”
Because of Noah’s choice, his children were obedient. They may not have heard Yahveh, but they obeyed and received the reward for walking in obedience to the righteousness proclaimed by their father, who was in touch with the Almighty. “…So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants [children], by loving Yahveh your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him [clinging to Him with every fiber of your being]; for this is your life…” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20). If you choose something else to be your life, then you will have the wages of sin, which according to Romans 6:3 is death. Yahveh God is your life. If that is not good enough for you, then you will have death: “This is your life…that you may live in the land which Yahveh swore to your fathers…” (Deuteronomy 30:20). He will give you eternal life. Heaven and earth are witnesses to each one of us, and Yahveh has set before us a choice, a free-will choice, and you have to choose. You will have to continually choose as you keep mastering sin that is crouching at your door like a demon wanting to master you. This is the way of YAHveh. This is the way of the elect into eternity. There is no other way; this is it. There was no other place of refuge but the ark that Noah built through Yahveh’s Commandments and directions. There is no other way. He makes one way of escape, and then the door is closed.
“Heaven and earth are standing as witnesses; may we be in awe of that! They are hearing and observing what choices we make”
Without faith it is impossible to please YAHveh. If you don’t believe He exists, then all of this is hogwash, just a story, a myth, and a fairy tale. That’s fine. You have chosen to believe the father of lies and turn the truth into a lie as the Scripture says in the New Testament (Romans 1:25). That is your choice; but remember, sin is crouching at the door, the devil is crouching at the door to deceive, to lie, to twist and distort the words of YAHveh (the LORD) and contend saying, “Did YAHveh really say that?” Choose YAHveh and His righteousness through YAHshua (Jesus), who longs to see you please and glorify His Father, just as He lived to please and glorify Him. YAHshua longs to have you be like Him and to walk in His ways, for only those who walk as YAHshua (Jesus) walked are truly of YAHshua. Heaven and earth are standing as witnesses; may we be in awe of that! They are hearing and observing what choices we make, because YAHveh has decreed blessings and curses, life or death, eternal success or eternal destruction. Build yourself an ark, make wise choices with what you do with your hands, your mind, your heart, with your whole life so that it is set, intently clinging and holding fast to YAHveh (the LORD). As long as Noah had to work and wait, it was a pittance of time compared to eternity.