
Pay Attention To The Prophet’s Words

Pay Attention to the Prophet’s Words


Century after century, prophet after prophet, word after word, all through the Old and New Covenant, the prophets spoke and Yahveh (the Lord) proclaimed judgment is coming. Only a few will escape. But the righteous will live by faith and through their faith they will uphold His righteous Commandments. 

 “So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place…” (2 Peter 1:19). They shine as a light upon us who walk in the darkness of this world. Their words have come true and they are about to become completely fulfilled. There is very little time left because there is very little left to be fulfilled. It is upon us. I have sackcloth and ashes upon me. He wants you to have it on you.

This is a message that the prophets spoke about, and Israel did not want to hear. They called the prophets maniacs. They stoned them to death, ran them out of town, and burned up their words. Nobody ever wanted to hear the words of the prophets. They said to the prophets, “You must not prophesy to us what is right, Speak to us pleasant words, Prophesy illusions” (Isaiah 30:10), tell us things we want to hear. The churches are filled with people who are going to get their ears tickled, because they are hearing what they want to hear and they are being led like sheep to the slaughter. 

There is one sacrifice and it is the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) the Lamb. It was poured out on each one of us to uphold. By it, we are to come out of this wicked world and die to our flesh by putting aside our fleshy desires, that we might seek Yahveh (the Lord). We are to find out what pleases Him; what His will is. We are to search His Word, do His bidding, and be a peculiar and separate people. We will be scoffed and mocked because they scoffed and mocked our Creator and His Son.

Anyone who does not want to obey His word and be separate from the world will not escape. They will not escape.