
Unintentional Or Defiant Sin

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Unintentional or Defiant Sin


Yahveh (the Lord) taught the children of Israel regarding offerings for the remission of their sins. “But when you unwittingly fail and do not observe all these commandments, which Yahveh has spoken to Moses … from the day when Yahveh (the Lord) gave commandment and onward throughout your generations, then it shall be, if it is done unintentionally …. Then the priest shall make atonement for all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and they will be forgiven; for it was an error, and they have brought their offering, an offering by fire to Yahveh, and their sin offering before Yahveh, for their error. … The priest shall make atonement before the Lord Yahveh for the person who goes astray when he sins unintentionally, making atonement for him that he may be forgiven” (Numbers 15:22-25, 28).

All of us have sinned unintentionally by being waylaid, as we have sought for Him with all of our hearts. Many of us were waylaid in “man’s religious system” and we have had other unintentional sins that we do in our everyday living. Unpremeditated. Yahveh our God is merciful about that; He says for us to bring an offering made by fire (see Numbers 15:25). I beseech you, friend, by the mercies of Yahveh, make that offering by fire for your sins, be holy to Yahveh, be purified by the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) our Priest.

But when it comes to intentional sins, when you know something is sin and you continue to do it, it is inexcusable. “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them” (James 4:17). This is scary, when we know what to do, yet we do wrong. There are plenty of times we do what is wrong and we justify it. Self-justification is like the enemy from the Garden of Eden, repeating his, “Did Yahveh really say that?” The enemy always puts doubt that questions the word and the validity of the Almighty.

“But the person who does anything defiantly [or intentionally] whether he is a native or an alien, that one is blaspheming the Lord Yahveh; and that person shall be cut off from among his people. Because He has despised the word of Yahveh and has broken His commandment, that person shall be completely cut off; his guilt will be on him” (Numbers 15:30-31). Intentional sin is blaspheming our holy God and Savior, “Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, Yahveh is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent. Because He has fixed a day when He is going to judge the world”, and His judgments begin with those who call Him Master and Savior (see Acts 17:30, 1 Peter 4:17). That day is coming and the time of ignorance is over when you know the truth. When we know what to do and don’t do it, and continue not to, we are putting Yahveh our God to the test.

May Yahveh sober us up. May not one of us be defiant and seen as a blasphemer worthy of being smitten by His mighty hand. The Almighty said to all the grumblers, “As surely as I live, you will die and never enter the blessings in the Promised Land.” His word is the same yesterday, today, and forever because He has not changed. “All Scripture,” the apostle Paul says, “is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). All of Scripture is breathed by Yahveh God’s mouth and He has given us His Word, breathed by His Spirit, that we would have soundness of mind to do His will and walk in righteousness, that we might glorify Him, the King of kings.


Father in Heaven, pardon my unintentional sins as I give You my life on Your holy altar. Forgive my defiance Yahveh, and have mercy through the power of Yahshua’s blood. My only hope is in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus). At the same time, may I not confess my sins, asking and pleading for the covering of the blood, and then go and sin. Keep me from trampling Your blood again underfoot. Forgive me, may I never do that.

Yahveh, You have spoken loudly and clearly to the depths of my heart to insure that Your Word doesn’t return void without accomplishing the purpose for which You sent it. Your purpose is to create a people who are prepared and ready for Your coming and “To turn … the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous” (Luke 1:17). Forgive me for my disobedience, for my unintentional sins and my intentional sins that deserve death eternal.

Thank You for the power of the blood that cleanses my humbled heart that sincerely and completely repents. I pray to have a heart that “goes and sins no more” and no longer puts You to the test. Have mercy, Lord Yahveh, for I need Your help. I am weak. Please strengthen my faith, strengthen my endurance, and strengthen my spirit. Give me a hunger and thirst for righteousness that exceeds my desire for the things of the flesh, its cravings, and the things of this world.

I beseech You, Yahveh, to have mercy and help me. Give me a faith that will be pleasing in Your sight. Give me a faith that will cause me to overcome, by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of my testimony, and by not loving my life so much as to shrink back from dying to the desires of the flesh and all that this world has. Oh, have mercy on me, I cannot do this apart from Your help, and I know I have to wholeheartedly want it. You do not give anything to the double minded. Make me single minded that I want to love You with all of my heart, soul, spirit, and mind. Allow me to obey You completely and fully, as You reveal more and more of Yourself and Your Word to me.

You are my exceedingly great reward. If I have my eyes fixed or my heart set on anything other than You, I am as You said, “a harlot.” I am a prostitute, an adulterer, and You will not tolerate that. You will give me a certificate of divorce (Jeremiah 3:8) and depart from me and send me away. Have mercy Yahveh, I need the strength from within, the conviction from within, and the power of Your Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), to let my yes be yes to righteousness, and my no be no to sin and all unrighteousness. In Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) name I pray.

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