The Rock Who Freely Gives
“Freely you received; freely give”
(Matthew 10:8)
“We are not to lean upon our own power or might, but do everything by His Spirit””
Yahshua (Jesus) is the Rock who freely gives us water of life that leads to eternal salvation. Freely! We must freely give, we are not to hold back the glory. “From everyone who has been given much [the glory, the presence of Yahveh, what is greater?], much will be required” (Luke 12:48). We are to walk before Yahveh (the Lord), listening to what He says and then by His Spirit do it. Yahshua (Jesus) says, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing … I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will” (John 5:19,30). Yahshua (Jesus) is the very Son of Yahveh, and those who have repented of their sins and are born again have His Spirit dwelling in them. We are given the power to overcome.
What grace and mercy has been bestowed upon us! It is an inexhaustible reservoir! We are not to lean upon our own power or might, but do everything by His Spirit. “Cursed is the man who … makes flesh his strength” (Jeremiah 17:5). Don’t touch the flesh, don’t touch the ways of the world, and don’t touch your own inclinations—rather, come out into His presence! Be holy, and He will welcome you to Himself. So much has been given to us and continued obedience and desire for the glory, fame, and honor of Yahveh is required.
“Set your heart to honor the Almighty””
How much do you want to honor Yahveh (the Lord)? Do you even think about it? How much of the day is your mind set on putting yourself to death, putting your feelings, frustrations, attitudes, and responses to people and circumstances aside, so that Yahveh can be seen and heard through His Son dwelling in you? He can’t be heard if His voice is muffled, hindered, and blocked by your flesh. Impossible. Set your heart to honor the Almighty; have His perspective.