

Learn Righteousness

Learn Righteousness

YAHshua (Jesus) says His sheep hear His voice and He is leading us into paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. HalleluYAH! He is coming for those who are walking in His ways and are waiting for Him in righteousness.

Mighty is the King, He is Coming!

Mighty is the King, He is Coming!

YAHshua (Jesus) is in the process of doing a mighty work to dress you for the everlasting habitation in the presence of His eternal glory. His kingdom is at hand and His people are being made ready for His soon-coming return!

We Uphold the Law by the Spirit

We Uphold the Law by the Spirit

YAHshua (Jesus) prepare us in our hearts for these days that are coming, that we might know Your laws, know Your Commandments, and wholeheartedly obey them as we listen carefully to all that Your word says.

The Ten Commandments & the Two Witnesses

The Ten Commandments & the Two Witnesses

When the LORD came to dwell on Mount Sinai amongst His chosen people He delivered through Moses the Ten Commandments giving His standards for living to His delivered children for then and for now.

The Fear of the LORD Is the Beginning of Wisdom (Part 1)

The Fear of the LORD Is the Beginning of Wisdom (Part 1)

The Scriptures say that the fear of YAHveh (the LORD) is the beginning of wisdom and that knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Indeed, our Elohim says that he will hide under the shadow of His wings those who fear Him.

The Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom (Part 2)

The Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom (Part 2)

Wisdom dictates that we humble ourselves before YAHveh (the LORD) and give Him the love, obedience, and glory that are due Him. When heaven and earth pass away His words and those who obey His words will live forever.