Purify me from all that is prideful, stubborn, rebellious, self indulgent, self justifying and makes me a friend of this world, thus making me an enemy to You. I pray to keep step with You, as You lead me safely to Your Kingdom.
I choose to die daily to my flesh because I want nothing to separate me from Your love Yahshua. I submit and surrender my whole being as an instrument of righteousness to You and You alone.
The Almighty is trying to turn His people to the ways of obedience and righteousness. Only He can prepare them, and HalleluYAH, He is working mightily for those who have ears to hear what the spirit is saying.
“Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Messiah …” (1 Peter 4:12-13).
The gravitational pull of this world is being CUT from us. We will not be dissipated, discouraged, or despairing —we will rejoice because we are being moved upward while this earth is about to collapse under Your judgment.
Thank You that I have found the “pearl of exceedingly great price” and I have slowly but surely sold everything for You, to go through those pearly gates of Your home where Your Bride will dwell with You forever
The Almighty speaks of the difficult times that are coming in the end days and that it would require great endurance and perseverance for those who do His Commandments and hold to the testimony of Yahshua.
May Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, through my consecrated life that seeks nothing for myself but lives wholly for You. To You, Yahveh (Lord), be the glory!
Our Savior said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” We must all ask the Lord to change our appetite from the things of this world to a spiritual hunger for Yahshua (Jesus).
We must continually “keep watch” on our unruly self-nature and “judge ourselves”, keeping our flesh and strong self will under the control of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the grace to overcome our fallen sin nature.
Our Heavenly Father's loving heart is beseeching us to draw near to Him, leaving behind everything that pulls us away from His eternal presence. Don't miss this urgent call to work out your salvation while there is still time.
We must strive with every fiber of our being to have our Master say, “well done good and faithful servant.” Self is the biggest idol yet wisdom from above overcomes our idols and this wisdom is granted when we pray for it.
“We have all sinned and fallen short of His glory.” He is calling us to humble ourselves that He might lift us up. This can only be accomplished by being cleansed by the blood and taught of Him in His presence.
Those who are eagerly waiting for our Savior will rejoice and shine as a beacon light of faith and peace in the midst of the ever increasing terrors, dismays, and desolations that are prophesied to come on the earth.
Father, may we be strong in You. If we resist the Enemy, he will flee. I pray for righteousness to pour down upon our hearts now, giving us the strength to overcome, for nothing is impossible for those who trust in You.
Yahshua’s blood has been poured out on our behalf that we might be cleansed. Indeed, we have cleansing through the blood of the Lamb if we come before Yahveh our Father with repentance and contriteness of heart.
Thank You, that I am forsaking everything for You, Yahshua (Jesus) my first and foremost love. It is nothing, it is like forsaking a pile of manure. I am walking away from the sickening stench of it to follow You.
The Almighty longs to touch your eyes, open your ears, and set you free from all chains and spiritual encumbrances. Indeed, Yahveh is preparing His remnant to do mighty exploits as long as their hearts are purified.
The blood of Yahshua (Jesus) the Lamb, poured out to atone, cleanse, and purify us of our sins, of the rebellions, of the lust and cravings of our flesh, of our disobedience, and of all those things that so easily beset us.
Throughout biblical and world history, the devil, who our Savior rightly called “the father of lies”, has led mankind to question, deny, defy, and rebel against the Almighty God, and all who love and obey Him and His eternal unchangeable truth.