
Yahveh God Is Jealous

Yahveh God is Jealous

Those who are “born again” of the Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) have the Spirit of the Most High who is jealous in them. (John 3:3, Exodus 34:14) Yahveh God is jealous for that which is eternal. (see Exodus 34:14) He is jealous for that which is holy. He is jealous for us, His redeemed elect, a bride purchased to be without spot or wrinkle for His Son. He is the King of Glory and His Son will have a beautiful, pure, spotless, and holy bride. (see Ephesians 5:27) We are talking about a love affair. Are you in love with your Savior? Are you in love with something or someone else? Yahshua (Jesus) says, “No one is fit to be His disciple if that person does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also,—and when He says hate He means lightly esteem compared to loving Him (Luke 14:26). How much do you really love Him?

Yahshua (Jesus) requires what His Father required, wholehearted love and devotion. Our Savior says, “If you love Me” you are going to obey Me (John 14:15); and if you obey Me, you are going to do the will of My Father. Yahveh, the Holy One of Israel, proclaimed His Commandments, statutes, precepts, and Law - the Torah. He is the One Messiah says we are to be found pleasing to, by doing His will at all costs.

Be warned, a form of religion, of which the majority of the traditionally religious partake, is going to come down. It is like the whitewashed bulging walls that Ezekiel and Jeremiah spoke of. (Ezekiel 13:11-15, Jeremiah 5:10) The Almighty has seen what mankind has built and “unless Yahveh builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…” (Psalm 127:1) He will build His temple of living stones, of people who have “counted the cost” and have come out of this world and uphold and highly esteem the blood that has redeemed them. (Luke 14:28, see Romans 12:2) They will “walk in a manner worthy of His high calling,” to be holy because Yahveh is holy, and to obey Yahveh’s Commandments and precepts at any cost through the power of the Spirit of Truth. (Ephesians 4:1)

Unless we are willing to count the cost to follow Yahshua (Jesus), we are in a religious club. We are in the outer court of the uncircumcised where the religious hold their mass services and enjoy the fellowship and the idle spiritual talk. Yahshua (Jesus) said that type of worship is in vain because they are man-made doctrines and precepts instead of Yahveh-made. (Matthew 15:9) We must get serious because there is a chasm, and it is getting broader and broader between the righteous and the religious, between those who want the truth and those who do not.

What side of the chasm are you on? Are you one who has counted the cost to die to your flesh and the desire for the things of this world so that you can live, move, breathe, and have your life in the Spirit of Yahshua who is truth? (Galatians 6:14, Acts 17:28)