
Let Yahshua (Jesus) Fill You To Overflowing

Let Yahshua (Jesus) Fill You to Overflowing


Yahveh God wants obedience, not sacrifice, from us. (1 Samuel 15:22) Out of our obedience He will perform mighty acts that bring glory to His Father and bring salvation, deliverance, and healing to those who are in anguish, who are on the precipice of eternal damnation. The multitudes are languishing and yet the multitudes, who call themselves believers, are sitting smug and complacent, deafened to the screams of those who are dying for lack of knowledge of the Savior’s grace and shed blood. 

Will you open your ears? Will you open your heart? Will you open up every gate of your being and let Yahshua (Jesus) fill you to overflowing that He might live as the King of Glory in and through you so that others might join that heavenly host at eternity’s threshold in the days ahead? I beseech you, with the love of Messiah, my friend, hear the heart cry of the only begotten Son, who loves you so much that He “does not wish anyone to perish.” (2 Peter 3:9) Allow Him to make you a fisher of people. Allow Him to express His love, mercy, and saving grace through you. Bless Him through your obedience as He blesses others through your yielded and humble heart.

Messiah was very adamant that we must “make the most of every opportunity”, for a time will come when there will be no more daylight and we will not be able to harvest with Him in His harvest field. (see Ephesians 5:16) Throughout the Scriptures, Yahshua (Jesus) admonishes us to follow Him, to become fishers and servants who follow His example to live as He lived. (1 John 2:6) He laid down His life that others might be drawn into the light of His eternal salvation and kingdom. “If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.” (John 12:26) 

In speaking to westernized believers from America to Europe and other countries where freedom of speech and freedom to follow Yahshua (Jesus) has not been an issue, it is going to be an issue. It is happening now. We have the example of all the witnesses and martyrs that have gone before us that are in heaven. They died with their sins being covered in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus), by the word of their testimony, always speaking the truth in the face of their persecutors, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” (See Revelation 12:11) Messiah’s faithful witnesses are not timid or cowardly, thinking their lives are more important than the eternal life of the person that needs to hear the truth - even if it will cost them their lives. That is the kind of faith we are truly going to need in order to be a fisher of men in these last days when it will be “granted to Satan to make war with the saints and to overcome them and authority will be given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.” (Revelation 13:7) Satan basically thinks he owns the world and for all intents and purposes his rulership will be unrestrained because he will get rid of the restraining powers of “the light and the salt” of those who love and follow our Savior and speak only the truth, and it will cost them their lives.(Matthew 5:13-16, Revelation 6:9)