True disciples must “count the cost” to stay on the narrow path. Yahshua (Jesus) continually cautions His disciples to “be on guard,” making it clear that although many would want to, only a remnant would enter Heaven.
Yahshua’s Spirit is relentlessly beseeching us to forsake the old self sin nature with all of its worldly desires and preoccupations. “The world is passing away and also it’s lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever”
I would like to share with you a dream He gave me that is like a prophetic parable. Yahveh (the LORD) said, “I have also spoken to the prophets, And I gave numerous visions, And through the prophets I gave parables”.
My God and Savior, have mercy and cleanse and purify me of all my cravings, every desire of my appetites, whether for things, notoriety, position, comfort, or my own vain glory and selfish ambition.
There is no sting of death for those who are already living in the Spirit, because they taste death daily by dying to the flesh. The enemy of the Spirit is our flesh, which can never please the Father.
“The Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) and the bride [those who are working out their salvation to be ready for the Bridegroom] say ‘Come.’ … And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost”
Blessed is the person who acknowledges that “the flesh is as nothing” to Yahveh (the LORD) (John 6:63). All we are to boast in is that we know, love, and understand Him; anything short of this is pure hypocrisy.
It is not too late to turn back, but we have to return to Him with all of our hearts. “Repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of Yahveh.”
Whatever we worship more than Yahveh is what has a hold over our lives. It is a dangerous thing to play around with the truth thinking you can do what you want and compromise by mixing your walk with things that please you.
In the midst of trials and judgments Yahshua (Jesus) is wooing His redeemed remnant to deny their desires for a perishing world and to cultivate an intimate relationship with Him in the Spirit.
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” (1 John 3:1)
YAHshua (Jesus) says His sheep hear His voice and He is leading us into paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. HalleluYAH! He is coming for those who are walking in His ways and are waiting for Him in righteousness.
The wise will view this pandemic and the quarantine as a divinely given opportunity to “seek our Savior with all of their hearts while He may still be found” and to build up an intimate prayerful relationship with Him.
YAHshua says, “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12). If we follow Him we will not walk in the darkness of the enemy’s deceptions and distortions of truth. We will strive with every thing in us to enter His narrow path.
Those who are preoccupied with temporal issues and the cares and concerns of life, let the Holy Spirit, through this message, lead you into eternal investments of your time and energy thereby freeing you from dissipation.