“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble [on their path into My presence], it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”
The whole issue is the glory of Yahveh and His purpose for His people to be brought out and established in faith and obedience to His Commandments. The purpose of our salvation is to bring Him glory, that is our responsibility.
Yahveh asked, “How long will this people spurn Me? I will smite them and dispossess them. Moses intervened for God’s glory, not wanting others to say, ‘He brought them out but He couldn’t bring them in.’
There is no room for error in righteousness; however, there is mercy through the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) to cover the sins of those who humbly repent. Our loving Heavenly Father does not keep a record of our confessed sins.
“The world is passing away and also it’s lusts; but the one who does the will of (YAHveh) God lives forever.” As we diligently “work out our salvation, we must continually strive to stay on “the narrow path” that leads to eternal life.
The Almighty has set before us a choice, a free-will choice, and you have to choose. Heaven and earth are witnesses. They are going to be watching you to see what you are going to choose daily, hourly, and moment by moment.
It is not too late to turn back, but we have to return to Him with all of our hearts. “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of Yahveh” (Acts 3:19).
The faith that pleases Yahshua (Jesus) is the faith that will cause us to overcome whatever must be endured personally. We must master our flesh because sin will crouch, like a demon from hell, at the doors of our lives.
Yahveh is a jealous God; we are not share the affection that is due to Him with anyone or anything else. It is all for Him. “He will strongly support those whose hearts are completely His …” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
Our Savior proclaimed, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.” “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” “For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
Dissipation is the frivolous, preoccupation with things that have no value, other than Satan’s value, to get you out of Yahveh’s perfect will and protection. Be on your guard against that dissipating spirit, it seeks to harm all.
How do you think Noah looked to the other people? There had never been rain, and yet he and his sons were building the ark. The corrupt masses did everything to defame what looked like lunacy to them. But Noah kept building.
You will have to continually choose as you keep mastering sin that is crouching at your door like a demon wanting to master you. This is the way of YAHveh. This is the way of the elect into eternity.
Wisdom dictates that we humble ourselves before God and give Him the love, obedience, and glory that are due to Him as Noah did. How foolish can man be to think that he can defy his Creator and come out a winner?
There was no other place of refuge but the ark that Noah built through Yahveh’s directions. He makes one way of escape, and then the door is closed. Noah’s sons were recipients of salvation because they obeyed their parents.
“The coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:37). Only a few will escape. “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able” (Luke 13:24).
Our God and Savior is calling us to wholehearted repentance to avert His judgment for breaking His Commandments and statues of righteousness. “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”
Our efforts are not to go to the world; our efforts are not to go to ourselves; our efforts are to go toward being spotless and blameless so that we are at peace with our Holy God and Savior.
It is faith that causes us to trust that every word that the Almighty speaks is worthy of our obedience. Faith comes through the power of His Spirit and the purification of His blood when we acknowledge that we have sinned.
The Spirit is saying, “Quickly, quickly, quickly—take family and little ones and come quickly into the ark of safety! It is a time of preparation to endure to the end, to maneuver for the survival of all your family.