

Heaven's Roll Call

Heaven's Roll Call

Yahshua’s Spirit is relentlessly beseeching us to forsake the old self sin nature with all of its worldly desires and preoccupations. “The world is passing away and also it’s lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever”

Have Mercy Upon Me

Have Mercy Upon Me

My God and Savior, have mercy and cleanse and purify me of all my cravings, every desire of my appetites, whether for things, notoriety, position, comfort, or my own vain glory and selfish ambition.

"That I May Gain Messiah"

"That I May Gain Messiah"

There is no sting of death for those who are already living in the Spirit, because they taste death daily by dying to the flesh. We cannot remain carnally minded. The enemy of the Spirit is our flesh, which can never please the Father.

Forgiveness Through Messiah's Blood

Forgiveness Through Messiah's Blood

Apart from the blood of the Savior and a repentant heart, the sins that are not repented for, that are not pulled out by the very root, go down to our children. “Search me, O Yahveh, show me the roots that are so offensive to You.

Yahshua (Jesus) the Living Word

Yahshua (Jesus) the Living Word

Just as we, Jew and non-Jew, together make “one new man” so does the Old Covenant and the New together make one Word, Yahshua (Jesus) Himself, the Living Word (Ephesians 2:14-16, John 1:1).

Do Not Harden Your Heart

Do Not Harden Your Heart

“Take care, brethren, there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day … so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

Fix Your Eyes on Yahshua (Jesus)

Fix Your Eyes on Yahshua (Jesus)

Satan is out to destroy us when we open the door to sin. We must keep our eyes fixed on Yahshua (Jesus), the safeguard against the deadly serpent bites, against the sinful nature, and the consequence of sin, which is death.

"Whoever is Thirsty, Come"

"Whoever is Thirsty, Come"

“The Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) and the bride [those who are working out their salvation to be ready for the Bridegroom] say ‘Come.’ … And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost”

Do You Truly Love Yahshua (Jesus) ?

Do You Truly Love Yahshua (Jesus) ?

“Whoever keeps His word, in him the love of Yahveh has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked” (1 John 2:5-6).

Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You love Him with a pure love that causes you to want to leave everything behind to do His bidding, to seek and to save the lost, to feed His sheep, and to glorify Him in word and deed, according to His uncompromised truth?

There is Power in the Blood of Yahshua (Jesus)

There is Power in the Blood of Yahshua (Jesus)

Yahshua (Jesus), You are truth, You are Spirit, and You are life. You are the Word and You will sanctify us. Yahveh, cleanse our hands even now. Let them be holy hands that are lifted high and surrendered to You, the King of kings.

"Stand at the Crossroads and Look"

"Stand at the Crossroads and Look"

You are at a crossroad beloved; are you craving what your flesh wants; foolishly ignoring the blood of the Lamb and His mighty outstretched arm that can deliver you from eternal death and the love of the things of this world?

"Judge Yourself Rightly"

"Judge Yourself Rightly"

Blessed is the person who acknowledges that “the flesh is as nothing” to Yahveh (the LORD) (John 6:63). All we are to boast in is that we know, love, and understand Him; anything short of this is pure hypocrisy.

If You Love Me, You Will Obey Me

If You Love Me, You Will Obey Me

Yahshua (Jesus) says, “If you love Me, obey Me. ”Obey Him; is it such a hard concept? What could be so difficult? our God and Savior says “My grace is sufficient to cause My people to fulfill all righteousness.”

Unintentional or Defiant Sin

Unintentional or Defiant Sin

The time of ignorance is over when you know the truth, but there are plenty of times we do what is wrong and we justify it. Self-justification is like Satan from the Garden of Eden, repeating, “Did Yahveh really say that?”

Set Your Heart to Fully Obey

Set Your Heart to Fully Obey

The whole issue is the glory of Yahveh and His purpose for His people to be brought out and established in faith and obedience to His Commandments. The purpose of our salvation is to bring Him glory, that is our responsibility.

The Blood Averts Judgment

The Blood Averts Judgment

There is no room for error in righteousness; however, there is mercy through the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) to cover the sins of those who humbly repent. Our loving Heavenly Father does not keep a record of our confessed sins.

"Work Out Your Salvation"

"Work Out Your Salvation"

“The world is passing away and also it’s lusts; but the one who does the will of (YAHveh) God lives forever.” As we diligently “work out our salvation, we must continually strive to stay on “the narrow path” that leads to eternal life.